Buying a Punk
contract CryptoPunksMarket {
function buyPunk(uint punkIndex) payable {
if (!allPunksAssigned) throw;
Offer offer = punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex];
if (punkIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!offer.isForSale) throw; // punk not actually for sale
if (offer.onlySellTo != 0x0 && offer.onlySellTo != msg.sender) throw; // punk not supposed to be sold to this user
if (msg.value < offer.minValue) throw; // Didn't send enough ETH
if (offer.seller != punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex]) throw; // Seller no longer owner of punk
address seller = offer.seller;
punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = msg.sender;
Transfer(seller, msg.sender, 1);
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value;
PunkBought(punkIndex, msg.value, seller, msg.sender);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid bid = punkBids[punkIndex];
if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value;
punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, 0x0, 0);